Project: ModtRekt

ModtRekt is a desktop app which helps undergraduate students plan their modules over their course of study, and manage their tasks and deadlines for each of them.

ModtRekt is optimized for use via a CLI while still having the benefits of a GUI.

Summary of Contributions

  • Major Enhancement: Added backend to frontend functionality.
    • What it does: Allows visible changes to the GUI upon user input.
    • Justification: This feature allows user to view data that they have input to ModtRekt, such that the data is displayed in a cohesive window.
    • Highlights: This feature was done mainly by refactoring from AB3 Template.
  • Major Enhancement: Added and designed a clean and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).
    • What it does: Improves User Interface/User Experience in ModtRekt.
    • Justification: Improves usability by ensuring that the user has a great experience in using the application.
    • Highlights: Did an initial mockup in Figma as well as reusing the color scheme from AB3. Did various skeleton code for various UI components.
    • Credits: Jonathan helped with the future iterations.
  • Major Enhancement: Implemented done module, undone module, and list module commands.
    • What it does:
      • done module: Allows user to archive a particular module he/she has completed.
      • undone module: Allows user to undo an archiving of a particular module he/she has completed.
      • list module: Allows the user to list the all module/active module in the GUI.
    • Justification: User can get rid of the module that they are done with, to avoid cluttering. User can also undo their decision.
    • Highlights: This three commands function helps to ‘glue’ the three components of the app altogether.
      • In the done module command, when a module is marked as done, it updates a part of GUI which shows the information of the total MCs user has fulfilled.
      • In the list module command, user can avoid cluttering in the GUI by hiding the module that they have marked as done.
  • Minor Enhancement: Created a Module Credit Calculator and displays it in a part of the GUI.
  • Minor Enhancement: Added several JUnit tests in testing the code.
  • Minor Enhancement: Did mock-up of the GUI using Figma.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link
  • Other contributions: Project presentation.
    • Part of the team that did the product pitch.
    • Did several part of User Guide as shown in here
    • Did several part of Developer Guide as shown in here